Controls on fluid discharge at cold seep-hydrate systems: 4D seismic monitoring of Woolsey Mound, Gulf of Mexico

Early extensional salt tectonics controls deep-water sediment dispersal

A Medium-Sized Paleo-Tsunami Reconstruction by a DeepNeural Network Processing Sedimentary Deposits

Mass wasting records the first stages of the Messinian Salinity Crisis in the eastern Mediterranean

Indian margin methane hydrate dissociation recorded in the carbon isotopes of benthic (Miliolida) foraminifera

Seismic characterization and depositional significance of the Nahr Menashe deposits: Implications for the terminal phases of the Messinian salinity crisis in the north‐east Levant Basin

Early Burial Mud Diapirism: Lateral Overpressure Transfer and Slope Failure in a Deformed Foredeep

Leaky salt: Pipe trails record the history of cross-evaporite fluid escape in the northern Levant Basin, Eastern Mediterranean

Active faulting controls bedform development on a deep-water fan

Taking the Pulse of Salt-Detached Gravity Gliding in the Eastern Mediterranean

Last interglacial sea-level proxies in East Africa and the Western Indian Ocean

A record of seafloor methane seepage across the last 150 million years
A 1000-yr-old tsunami in the Indian Ocean points to greater risk for East Africa
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.
Older Papers
Russell, J.M., …, Oppo D., et al., (2020) – ICDP workshop on the Lake Tanganyika Scientific Drilling Project: a late Miocene–present record of climate, rifting, and ecosystem evolution from the world’s oldest tropical lake. Scientific Drilling 27, 53–60.
Oppo D., Hovland M., (2019) – Role of deep-sourced fluids on the initiation and growth of isolated carbonate build-ups. Marine and Petroleum Geology 105, 141-157
Oppo D., Hurst A. (2018) – Seepage of hydrothermally generated petroleum in East African Rift lakes: an example from Lake Tanganyika. Marine and Petroleum Geology 92, 149-159.
Oppo D. , Viola I.*, Capozzi R. (2017) – Fluid source and stable isotopes signatures in Authigenic Carbonates: examples from the Northern Apennines, Italy. Marine and Petroleum Geology 86, 606-619.
Capozzi R., Oppo D., Taviani M. (2017) – Cold Seepages: An Economic Tool for Hydrocarbon Appraisal. In: Hurst A., Kenter J., Graham S. (eds.), Outcrops that change the way we practice petroleum geology, Special Issue AAPG Bulletin 101 (4), 617-623.
Oppo D., Capozzi R. (2016) – Spatial association of mud volcano and sandstone intrusions, Boyadag anticline, western Turkmenistan. Basin Research 28, 827-839.
Oppo D., Capozzi R., Picotti V., Ponza A. (2015) – A genetic model of hydrocarbon-derived carbonate chimneys in shelfal fine grained sediments: the Enza River field, Northern Apennines (Italy). In: Capozzi R., Negri A., Rietner J. and Taviani M. (eds), Carbonate conduits linked to hydrocarbon enriched fluid escape, Marine and Petroleum Geology 66, 555-565.
Viola I.*, Oppo D., Dinelli E., Capozzi R., Franchi F., Liverani B., Taviani M. (2015) – Mineralogy, geochemistry and petrography of Methane-Derived Authigenic Carbonates from Enza River, Northern Apennines (Italy). In: Capozzi R., Negri A., Rietner J. and Taviani M., (eds), Carbonate conduits linked to hydrocarbon enriched fluid escape, Marine and Petroleum Geology 66, 566-581.
Oppo D., Capozzi R., Nigarov A., Esenov P. (2014) – Mud volcanism and fluid geochemistry in the Cheleken Peninsula, western Turkmenistan. Marine and Petroleum Geology 57, 122-134.
Oppo D., Capozzi R., Picotti V. (2013) – A new model of the Petroleum System in the Northern Apennines, Italy. Marine and Petroleum Geology 48, 57-76.
Capozzi R., Guido F.L., Oppo D., Gabbianelli G. (2012) – Methane-Derived Authigenic Carbonates (MDAC) in Northern-Central Adriatic Sea: relationships between reservoirs and methane seepages. In: Anka Z., Berndt C. and Gay A., (eds.), Natural gas seepage and Focused fluid flow on continental margins, Marine Geology 332-334, 174-188.
Capozzi R., Artoni A., Torelli L., Lorenzini S., Oppo D., Mussoni P., Polonia A. (2012) – Neogene to Quaternary tectonics and mud diapirism in the Gulf of Squillace (Crotone-Spartivento Basin, Calabrian Arc, Italy). Marine and Petroleum Geology 35, 219-234.
conference and meeting abstracts
(§ Oral presentation; *student)
Oppo, D., Clemens, S.C., Thirumalai, K., (2023) - Indian Margin Methane Hydrate Dissociation Recorded in the Carbon Isotopes of Benthic (Miliolida) Foraminifera. AGU Fall Meeting, 11-15 December, San Francisco.
Babineaux, G.*, Oppo, D., Thirumalai, K., Macelloni, L., (2023) - Isotopic Signatures of Methane Seepage Recorded in Benthic Foraminifera from Woolsey Mound (Gulf of Mexico). AGU Fall Meeting, 11-15 December, San Francisco.
Beeson, J.W., Oppo, D., Babineaux, G.*, Baumberger, T., Merle, S.G., Buterfield, D.A., Lu, G., Buck, N.J., Roe, K.K., (2023) - Discovery of a Thrust-Associated Mud Volcano at the mid-slope break of the Cascadia Margin: Implications for Cascadia Accretionary Wedge Evolution and Deep Fluid Migration Pathways. AGU Fall Meeting, 11-15 December, San Francisco.
Iacopini, D., Dottore Stagna, M., Tavani, S, Gorini, C., Maselli, V., Oppo, D. (2023) - Plio-Early Pleistocene re activation of Levant Fracture system. (Outer shelf, Offshore Lebanon). INQUA 2023, 14-20 July, Rome (Italy).
Aralu, J.*§, Oppo, D., Alvez, T. (2022) - Large Pockmark fields point to extensive past fluid expulsion in the Gippsland Basin (SE Australia). AGU Fall Meeting, 12-16 December, Chicago.
Babineaux G.*, Oppo D., Thirumalai K., Panieri G., Richey, J., Macelloni L., (2022) - Individual Benthic Foraminifera Analysis and its Use in Reconstructing Methane Seepage: the Case of Woolsey Mound, Gulf of Mexico, AGU Fall Meeting, 12-16 December, Chicago.
Feng, D., Wang, X., Oppo, D., Wang, M., Chen, T., Roberts, H.H., Chen, D. (2022) - Sediment loading triggered gas and fluid expulsions during the last 130 ka: Evidence from Gulf of Mexico continental slope. AGU Fall Meeting, 12-16 December, Chicago.
Havard, E. *, Thirumalai, K., Richey, J.N., Oppo, D., (2022) - Species Abundance and Individual Foraminiferal Analyses During the Younger Dryas in the Northern Gulf of Mexico. AGU Fall Meeting, 12-16 December, Chicago.
Brovold, C.*, Huval, A., Gottardi, R., Oppo, D., Shubert, B., Villa, J.A. (2022) - Salt Tectonics Affects Organic Matter Quality and Quantity of a Coastal Wetland in Southwest Louisiana. AGU Fall Meeting, 12-16 December, Chicago.
Maselli, V., Micallef, A., Normandeau, A., Oppo, D., Iacopini, D., Green, A. & Ge, Z. (2022) - Active faulting suppresses bedform development on a (supercritical) deep-water fan. AGU Fall Meeting, 12-16 December, Chicago.
Feng, D., Wang, X., Oppo, D., Wang, M., Chen, T., Roberts, H.H., Chen, D. (2022) - Timing of fluid and gas expulsion on the northern Gulf of Mexico continental slope. International Sedimentological Congress, 22-26 August, Beijing.
Maselli, V.§, Micallef, A., Normandeau, A., Oppo, D., Iacopini, D., Green, A. & Ge, Z. (2022) - Influence of tectonically controlled topography on deep-water sedimentation. AGS 48th Colloquium and Annual General Meeting, Atlantic Geoscience Society, 11-12 February 2022, virtual.
Maselli, V.§, Micallef, A., Normandeau, A., Oppo, D., Iacopini, D., Green, A. & Ge, Z. (2022) - Influence of tectonically controlled topography on deep-water sedimentation. Intarnational Conference on Seafloor Landforms, July 4-6, Malta.
Oppo D., Evans S.*, Jackson C.A-L., Iacopini D., Kabir M.*, Maselli V., (2021) - Leaky salt: the history of cross-evaporite fluid escape as recorded in pipe trails, Levant Basin, Eastern Mediterranean. AGU Fall Meeting, Dec 13 – 17, New Orleans.
Babineaux G.*§, Oppo D., Powers N.*, Thirumalai K., Selznick E.*, Panieri G., Macelloni L., (2021) - New analyses reveal a high variability of methane release over the last 50 kys at Woolsey Mound (Gulf of Mexico). AGU Fall Meeting, Dec 13 – 17, New Orleans.
Batubo P.*, Oppo D., Morra G., Moore A., (2021) - Inverse Modelling of Tsunami Deposits Using a Deep – Learning Neural Network: Application to the 1929 Grand Banks Tsunami Deposits. AGU Fall Meeting, Dec 13 – 17, New Orleans.
Oppo D. §, Evans S.*, Jackson C.A-L., Iacopini D., Kabir M., Maselli V., (2021) - Leaky salt: pipe trails record the history of cross-evaporite fluid escape in the northern Levant Basin, Eastern Mediterranean. EGU General Assembly 2021, 19-30 April 2021. (Virtual do to Covid-19).
Maselli V., Oppo D., Moore A.L., Gusman A.R. Mtelela C., Iacopini D., Taviani M., Mjema E., Mulaya E., Che M., Tomioka A.L., Mshiu E., Ortiz J.D., (2021) - Historical evidence warns about disastrous tele-tsunami risk on the coast of East Africa. EGU General Assembly 2021, 19-30 April 2021. (Virtual do to Covid-19).
Kabir M*, Iacopini D., Hartley A., Maselli V., Oppo D. (2021) - The role of the Nahr Menashe in the Messinian Salinity Crisis: formation, dissolution and fluvial incision of the top evaporite unit in the NE Levant Basin, Eastern Mediterranean. . EGU General Assembly 2021, 19-30 April 2021. (Virtual do to Covid-19).
Roy S., Hovland M., Jensen J., Oppo D., (2020) - Faunal characteristics of the Nyegga/Storegga cold-seep, NE-Atlantic. AGU Fall Meeting, Dec 7 – 11, San Francisco (Virtual due to Covid-19).
Ajala S.*, Gottardi R., Onwumelu C., Oppo D. (2020) – Depositional environment and sequence stratigraphy of the Lower Tuscaloosa sandstone in Washington Parish, Louisiana. GSA 2929 Connects Online. (Virtual do to Covid-19)
Oppo D.§, Hurst A. (2020) - Seepage Rate of Hydrothermally Generated Petroleum in East African Rift Lakes: an Example from Lake Tanganyika. AAPG ACE 2020, Sept 29-Oct 1, Houston, USA. (Virtual do to Covid-19)
Oppo D., Hovland M. (2020) - Role of Deep-Sourced Fluids on the Initiation and Growth of Isolated Carbonate Build-Ups. AAPG ACE 2020, Sept 29-Oct 1, Houston, USA. (Virtual do to Covid-19)
Chapman J.C.*, Oppo D., Alves T. (2020) - Formation of a Large Field of Sub-circular Depressions due to Fluid Migration in the Gippsland Basin (SE Australia). AAPG ACE 2020, Sept 29-Oct 1, Houston, USA (Virtual do to Covid-19)
Oppo D. §, De Siena L., Kemp D. (2020) - A record of seafloor methane seepage across the last 150 million years. EGU General Assembly 2020, 3-8 May, Vienna, Austria. (Virtual do to Covid-19)
Oppo D., Chan M.A., Berry C., Komatsu G. (2020) - Shapes of mud volcanoes: geomorphic similarities, differences and implications for Mars. 51st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 16-20 march, USRA-Houston, USA. (Virtual do to Covid-19)
Stone G.L. §*, Oppo D., Gottardi R., Fearn M. (2019) - An evaluation of the Cenomanian-Turonian Oceanic Anoxic Event in the Gulf of Mexico through a core recovered from the Tuscaloosa marine shale, southeast Louisiana. GSA Annual Meeting in Phoenix, Arizona, USA
Chapman J.C.*, Oppo D. (2019) - Investigation of Fluid Migration in the Gippsland Basin (SE Australia). Annual AAPG Student Expo. Sept. 5-6, 2019, Houston, Texas
Kabir M. *, Iacopini D., Hartley A., Maselli V., Oppo D. (2019) - Seismic Characterization of the Top Messinian Unit in North Eastern Levant Basin, Offshore Lebanon. 34th IAS Meeting of Sedimentology, 10-13 September, Rome, Italy.
Ajala S.*, Gottardi R., Oppo D. (2019) - Sequence stratigraphy and depositional environment of the upper Tuscaloosa sandstone, Washington parish, Louisiana. National Association of Black Geoscientist Convention, 3-7 Sept, Arkansas, USA.
Fearn M.*, Gottardi R., Oppo D. (2019) - Petrographic Analysis of Tuscaloosa Marine Shale (Upper Cretaceous) Core Recovered from Eads Poitevent # 1. AAPG ACE 2019, 19-22 May, San Antonio, USA.
Che M.*, Maselli V., Moore A., Mulaya E., Oppo D., Tomioka A.* (2018) – Stratigraphy of a tidal delta near Mbweni, Tanzania. GSA Annual Meeting in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA.
Tomioka, A*, Che, M*, Maselli V., Moore A., Mulaya E., Oppo D. (2018) - SFM Sediment flux estimation on a tidal delta near Mbweni, Tanzania. GSA Annual Meeting in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA.
Oppo D., Manzari M. (2018) - Numerical modelling of mud volcanoes: how do mud chambers control surface fluid emissions? EGU General Assembly, 8-13 April, Vienna, Austria.
Hurst A.§, Maselli V., Oppo D. (2017) - A working model for building equitable relationships in international academic partnerships. Third EAGE Eastern Africa Petroleum Geoscience Forum, 7-9 November, Maputo, Mozambique.
Oppo D.§, Capozzi R. (2017) - Spatial association of mud volcano and sandstone intrusions, Boyadag anticline, western Turkmenistan. International Meeting of Sedimentology, 10-12 October, Toulouse, France.
Viola I.*§, Oppo D., Capozzi R. (2017) - Carbon, oxygen and strontium isotopes fingerprints of hydrocarbon-rich fluid in marine sediments and authigenic carbonate formation: inferences for the plumbing system. International Meeting of Sedimentology, 10-12 October, Toulouse, France.
Capozzi R.§, Oppo D., Viola I.* (2016) – Controls on stable isotope signatures in Methane-Derived Authigenic Carbonates: examples from the Northern Apennines, Italy. 13th International Conference on Gas in Marine Sediments, 19-22 September, Tromsø, Norway.
Viola I.*§, Capozzi R., Oppo D. (2015) – Geochemical signatures in the Pliocene-Pleistocene methane-derived authigenic carbonates in the Northern Apennines foothills (Italy). 1st International Carbonate Mound Conference, November 1-5, Zurich, CH.
Capozzi R.§, Oppo D., Picotti V., Ponza A. (2014) – Study of the Present and Fossil Cold Seeps in the Northern Apennines (Italy) to Define the Total Petroleum System. EAGE Shallow Anomalies Workshop Indications of prospective petroleum systems?, November 23-26, Malta.
Oppo D.§, Capozzi R., Picotti V. (2013) – A new model of the Total Petroleum System in the Northern Apennines and its relationship with the emplacement of MDAC chimneys fields, Italy. FIST GEOITALIA 2013, 16-18 September, Pisa, Italy.
Dinelli E.§, Liverani B.*, Oppo D., Franchi F., Capozzi R. (2013) – Petrography, mineralogy and geochemistry of the carbonate chimneys from Enza river. FIST GEOITALIA 2013, 16-18 September, Pisa, Italy.
Oppo D., Capozzi R., Dinelli E., Negri A., Montagna P., Picotti V., Scarponi S., Taviani M. (2012) – Field Analogues of Shallow-water Hydrocarbon Seepages in the Pleistocene Argille Azzurre Formation: the Chimneys Field of Enza River, Northern Apennines, Italy. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA.
Capozzi R.§, Dinelli E., Negri A., Montagna P., Oppo D., Picotti V., Scarponi D., Taviani M. (2012) – Shallow-water hydrocarbon seepages in the Pleistocene Argille Azzurre Formation: the chimneys field of Enza river, Northern Apennines, Italy. 11th Conference on Gas in Marine Sediments, 4-7 September, Nice, France.
Picotti V.§, Capozzi R., Minola M., Terazzi F., Oppo D., Ponza A. (2011) – Recent reactivation of a Miocene Fold-and-Thrust Belt (Northern Apennines, Italy). Implication for the Petroleum System. in: AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90135 (2011), AAPG International Conference and Exhibition, “Following Da Vinci’s Footsteps to Future Energy Resources: Innovation from Outcrops to Assets”, 23-26 October, Milan, Italy.
Oppo D.§, Capozzi R., Artoni A., Torelli L., Polonia A. (2009) – Relationships between recent tectonic activity, mud diapirism and slope instability in the Gulf of Squillace (Calabrian Arc, Ionian Sea). 27th IAS Meeting of Sedimentologists, 20-23 September, Alghero, Italy.
Artoni A.§, Capozzi R., Lorenzini S., Oppo D., Polonia A., Torelli L. (2009) – Active tectonics and mud diapirism in the Gulf of Squillace (Crotone Basin, Calabrian Arc, Italy). Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 11, EGU 2009-3140.
Artoni A.§, Torelli L., Capozzi R., Polonia A., Lorenzini S., Oppo D. and CALARC Group (2008) – The Apenninic-Maghrebian prism of inner Calabrian Arc as imaged by subsurface data in the Squillace embayment (Calabria, Southern Italy). Rendiconti online Società Geologica Italiana, Vol. 2, 1-3.